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Regaining your confidence to return to work after an injury

Going back to work after dealing with an injury can feel scary. You might have concerns about returning when you lack confidence or question if your skills have diminished.

Regaining your confidence will require time and effort. Knowing how to facilitate your preparation to go back to work might optimize your resources and make your experience more successful.

Record your experience

Write about your injury experience including how it happened and how you felt afterward. Record details of your recovery, including what you have done to support healing. You may even consider discussing your situation with a mental health professional who can guide you through the emotional trauma that might have accompanied your injury.

Writing and talking about your experience is an excellent way to let go of emotions that will not serve you. Similarly, record your progress so you can look back at your experience and see growth. This approach might not only increase your confidence but enable you to have the motivation you need to make a complete recovery.

Focus on what you can control

Keep a realistic perspective of the things you can control. Prioritize goal setting to help you focus on those things. If you have downtime during your recovery, look for creative ways to maintain your skills. Stay in touch with contacts at work. Reiterate your desire and anticipation to return to work. The U.S. Department of Labor suggests that timely and effective help makes a considerable difference for injured workers to eventually return to their jobs.

Staying focused on the things you can control will optimize your progress. Celebrate your success. Even after you return to the workplace, continue doing things that will improve your confidence. With the support of your family and employer, you can put your injury behind you and continue a successful career.

For more information about filing workers’ compensation claims, contact 610-892-9300 for a free, no-obligation consultation. You can also reach us online.