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2024 Articles

What if I Was Injured in a Hit-and-Run Accident?

In Pennsylvania, all motorists involved in a crash must stop their vehicle, exchange information, and remain at the scene. Sadly, that does not always happen. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety published a study finding that there are around 700,000 hit-and-run crashes nationwide each year, which cause more than 130,000...

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What are the Different Types of Workers’ Compensation Petitions?

Understanding the different types of workers’ compensation petitions is essential for navigating the legalities of a work-related injury claim in Pennsylvania. Our experienced lawyers clarify the purpose of various petitions, including Claim Petitions, Penalty Petitions, Termination Petitions, and several others.  Knowing the function of each petition can help you better...

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Receiving financial benefits along with workers’ compensation

Navigating the complexities of financial support after a work-related injury can be challenging. Fortunately, workers’ compensation can help cover medical expenses and lost wages.  However, injured workers in Pennsylvania often wonder if they can receive additional financial benefits. Understanding potential additional benefits one can receive can help make the process...

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Compensación laboral: ¿puedo demandar a mi empleador?

La compensación laboral es un sistema diseñado para proteger a los empleados que sufren lesiones en el trabajo. Generalmente, este sistema impide que los empleados demanden a sus empleadores por lesiones laborales, ya que, a cambio de proporcionar seguros de compensación laboral, los empleadores están protegidos contra demandas por lesiones...

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Ankle injuries and workers’ compensation

Ankle injuries are common in the workplace and can impact an employee’s ability to perform their job. These injuries can occur in various settings, from construction sites to office environments. Understanding their implications is crucial for both employees and employers. Types of ankle injuries Ankle injuries range from minor sprains...

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4 reasons workers’ comp may deny your claim

In Pennsylvania, navigating the workers’ compensation system is complex and frustrating. It becomes more challenging when your claim gets denied. Understanding the common reasons for denial can help you address potential issues proactively and improve your chances of a successful claim.  1. Late reporting Timeliness is everything in workers’ compensation...

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How can defective tools cause injuries at work?

Workplaces often rely on a variety of tools to get tasks done efficiently. However, when these tools are defective, they can cause serious injuries to workers. Understanding how defective tools contribute to workplace injuries is important for everyone. Instances of malfunction Defective tools can break or malfunction while in use....

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Returning to work after a workplace injury

Returning to work after a workplace injury can be challenging. Knowing your rights in Pennsylvania helps, because it better ensures a smooth transition and protects your job. If you need to file for workers’ compensation, it is important to understand how the law protects you after a workplace injury. Workers’...

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How can hearing loss happen in the workplace?

Hearing loss is a common workplace concern. In fact, it affects many individuals across various industries. Understanding how hearing loss occurs in work environments is important for promoting safety. Continual exposure to loud noise One of the causes of hearing loss in the workplace is exposure to loud noise. Industries...

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Can you get pain and suffering in PA workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania operates under a no-fault system. This means injured workers can get benefits regardless of fault. These benefits typically cover medical expenses, lost wages and vocational rehabilitation if necessary. However, when it comes to pain and suffering, the landscape is different. Pennsylvania does not allow awards specifically...

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Common injuries that affect warehouse workers

Warehouse work can be physically demanding. It poses various risks to the health and safety of employees. Understanding these common injuries is important for accident prevention and navigating workers’ compensation. Slip and fall injuries Slip and fall accidents are among the most prevalent in warehouses. Spills, wet floors, loose cables...

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FAQs about workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania

Workers’ compensation supports employees who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses in Pennsylvania. It ensures that workers receive medical care and compensation for lost wages due to their inability to work. Navigating the workers’ compensation process can be complex for both employers and employees. Understanding the basics of how this...

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Needlestick injuries may lead to serious infections

Health care workers face numerous occupational hazards in their line of duty. The risk of needlestick injuries is among them. These injuries occur when a sharp medical object, such as a needle or syringe, accidentally punctures the skin. Beyond the immediate pain and discomfort, needlestick injuries can lead to serious...

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Is my employer in compliance with workers’ comp rules?

Employers in Pennsylvania have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees while on the job. One crucial aspect of this responsibility is providing workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who experience an injury or illness as...

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More than 70% of nurses experience chronic low back pain

Nurses face a significant occupational hazard: chronic low back pain. The demanding nature of their work, coupled with long hours and challenging work environments, predisposes them to this debilitating condition. Understanding the factors contributing to nurses’ susceptibility to chronic low back pain is necessary to address this prevalent issue. Physical...

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What long-term health complications can electrocution lead to?

Electricity is a powerful force that fuels much of the modern world, but it can also pose serious risks, especially when accidents at work happen. Electrocution is a frightening possibility for employees in situations involving exposed wiring or faulty appliances. While immediate injuries from electrocution are often apparent, long-term health...

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Common workplace injuries when working with chemicals

Working with chemicals in the manufacturing industry involves handling various substances and operating complex machinery. Your responsibilities in the process are integral in producing essential materials. However, the work environment poses inherent risks that can lead to injuries. You should be aware of some common injuries from exposure to chemicals....

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Surprising injuries that can happen to office workers

While people often associate workplace injuries with industries like construction or manufacturing, the office environment is not immune to its share of surprising mishaps. Although offices may appear much safer than outdoor work sites, surprises lurk in unexpected corners. Both employees and employers should be aware of potential hazards. Trips...

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Signs your boss is retaliating after a workers comp claim

Pennsylvania’s hardworking spirit fuels its economy, but unfortunately, workplace injuries can happen even in the most diligent environments. When your job leaves you hurt, filing for workers’ compensation is your right. However, whispers of fear sometimes arise: “What if my employer retaliates?” Retaliation for filing a legitimate claim is illegal,...

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5 reasons people injure joints at work

In the bustling environment of the workplace, it is not uncommon for employees to experience joint injuries that can lead to discomfort and reduced productivity. The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of workplace injuries involve a joint such as the ankle or knee. Understanding the reasons behind these injuries...

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