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January 2024 Articles

Common workplace injuries when working with chemicals

Working with chemicals in the manufacturing industry involves handling various substances and operating complex machinery. Your responsibilities in the process are integral in producing essential materials. However, the work environment poses inherent risks that can lead to injuries. You should be aware of some common injuries from exposure to chemicals....

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Surprising injuries that can happen to office workers

While people often associate workplace injuries with industries like construction or manufacturing, the office environment is not immune to its share of surprising mishaps. Although offices may appear much safer than outdoor work sites, surprises lurk in unexpected corners. Both employees and employers should be aware of potential hazards. Trips...

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Signs your boss is retaliating after a workers comp claim

Pennsylvania’s hardworking spirit fuels its economy, but unfortunately, workplace injuries can happen even in the most diligent environments. When your job leaves you hurt, filing for workers’ compensation is your right. However, whispers of fear sometimes arise: “What if my employer retaliates?” Retaliation for filing a legitimate claim is illegal,...

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5 reasons people injure joints at work

In the bustling environment of the workplace, it is not uncommon for employees to experience joint injuries that can lead to discomfort and reduced productivity. The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of workplace injuries involve a joint such as the ankle or knee. Understanding the reasons behind these injuries...

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