Recent Settlements
Learn more about the Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury case settlements Schmidt, Kirifides, Rassias, & Rio has achieved for our clients below.
PLEASE NOTE: Results may vary depending upon the particular facts and legal circumstances of your case.
Workers’ Compensation Settlements
The Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist attorneys at Schmidt, Kirifides, Rassias, & Rio have settled the following cases in recent months, each exceeding half a million dollars.
Case 1. A 50 year old Allentown employee of a department store was struck by a car in the parking lot before her shift, suffering knee, hip and low back injuries. Employer denied her workers’ compensation claim, alleging she was not yet in the course of employment at the time of the incident. Attorney Kirifides generated an offer of more than two years of future wage loss benefits.
Case 2. A 53 year old laborer from Philadelphia suffered a knee injury due to the heavy, repetitive demands of two concurrent jobs. Each business denied their job was responsible for causing the injury, and alleged the condition was solely the result of aging and degenerative arthritis. Attorney Kirifides filed a Petition naming each company as the employer. After the need for two surgical procedures, each employer contributed to a settlement representing almost 5 years of future benefits.
Case 3. A 26 year old Philadelphia Security Guard was assaulted while escorting a combative customer from the store, suffering neck injuries and a concussion. The insurance company denied the claim – based on a medical exam that had not even been performed yet. Their medical expert did eventually examine claimant, and felt she had fully recovered from any injury that might have been suffered. Work Injury Specialist Kirifides resolved the claim for more almost 3 years worth of future wage loss benefits.
Case 4. A 35 year old department store packer from Allentown experienced a sharp pain in her low back when she picked up a heavy package, and lifted it while twisting. She tried to return to light duty without success, and eventually required surgery. Employer denied her claim, contending there was no evidence to prove the incident occurred at work. A doctor hired by the insurance company more than 6 months after the claim had been denied felt the injury was present long before the incident the claimant alleges occurred at work. The dispute involved the claimant’s credibility regarding when and where the injury happened. Attorney Kirifides negotiated a settlement of almost 3 years of wage loss benefits.
Case 5. A 45 year old Allentown Packer (from the same department store) tripped over an electrical cord at work, falling to the ground and striking her shoulder and knee, and landing on her outstretched arm. As expected, the insurance company denied the claim, and then searched for evidence to support their denial – hiring a doctor who found there was no injury, contrary to the opinion of every doctor rendering actual treatment. Attorney Kirifides again negotiated a settlement of almost 3 years of wage loss benefits.
Case 6. A 57 year old janitor from Norristown suffered work related injuries to his neck and shoulder when he lifted and threw a bag of trash – hearing his shoulder “pop”. Shoulder surgery was “strongly recommended”, but pre-operative tests revealed other medical conditions increasing the risks of undergoing anesthesia. After sufficiently treating the ‘other’ issues, surgery was performed. Claimant then tried to return to light duty, without success. The insurance company filed a petition to stop payment of benefits, arguing that claimant can do the job, and failed to give a good faith effort. Attorney Kirifides resolved the case for almost 2 years of future wage loss – in addition to the benefits being paid up to that date.
Case 7. A 63 year old convenience store worker from Levittown suffered work related injuries to her knee and arm when she tripped over a box left in an aisle, landing on the ground. Her claim was accepted, until the insurance company hired a doctor to determine her status – and felt she was recovered from the work injury, but she did have ongoing restrictions. The insurance company doctor claims the ongoing pain and restrictions are due to degenerative arthritis – and were not effected by the work injury. A Petition was filed to stop claimant’s benefits. Attorney Kirifides again negotiated a settlement of almost 4 years of future wage loss benefits – in addition to the benefits being paid up to that date.
Case 8. A 46 year old cleaner and dishwasher from Lansdowne suffered shoulder, wrist and back injuries when he slipped and fell on a ‘just mopped’ floor. Minor sprain/strain injuries were accepted, but wage loss benefits were denied. The insurance company, as usual, hired a doctor after they already denied the claim. Their doctor felt there were no serious injuries, they had fully resolved, and claimant was recovered. Attorney Kirifides negotiated a settlement of almost 3 years of wage loss benefits.
Case 9. A 69 year old leach operator for a company that manufactures infrared countermeasures that are designed to protect air and naval platforms from missile threats. Claimant had re-injured a prior back injury as a result of repetitive lifting. Claimant is a social security beneficiary and was Medicare eligible. A Medicare Set Aside request was prepared and submitted to Medicare for their approval. As expected, the insurance company denied the claim, and then searched for evidence to support their denial. The Defendant argued that Claimant’s injury was pre-existing and not a work related injury. Mr. Kirifides argued successfully that an aggravation of a pre-existing was considered a new injury and thus compensable. Attorney Kirifides again negotiated a settlement of over 3 years of wage loss benefits.
Case 10. Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist attorney Mark R. Schmidt settled the workers’ compensation claim of a 65-year-old mushroom farm foreman for $200,000. The injured worker, who speaks Spanish, suffered a rotator cuff tear at work in 2021. The insurance company accepted the injury as being only a sprain and strain. Attorney Schmidt filed a Petition to seek a correct description of the injury in order to ensure medical bills would be paid. Under Pennsylvania law, the insurance company is only required to pay for treatment of the injury they agree to accept, or which a Judge may Order. Voluntary payment of medical bills for a more severe injury is not binding, and does not require the insurance company to keep paying for treatment. Insurers frequently accept only minor sprains and strains, hoping the injured worker does not know their rights, and may exceed the time period to try to correct the injury description. This is just one of MANY ‘games’ insurance companies play, especially with non-English speaking clients. Schmidt, Kirifides, Rassias, & Rio has on site translators.
Case 11. Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Mark R. Schmidt settled the claim of a 51-year-old truck driver from Vermont, involved in a fatal driving accident while in Pennsylvania, for $55,000. The claimant was an interstate truck driver who originated most deliveries from a HUB in Pennsylvania. In 2022 a motorcyclist veered in front of claimant’s truck, and was fatally struck. Regulations required the driver undergo psychological counselling for possible PTSD, depression or other trauma that may have been caused by being involved in a fatal accident. Claimant was disabled until psychologically cleared to return to work. The insurer denied claimant’s workers’ compensation claim, contending he was not ‘really’ disabled, though they would not permit him to work without proper clearance, and refused to pay any type of benefits. While pursuing the claim under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws, Attorney Schmidt negotiated the settlement along with claimant’s return to work.
Case 12. Work Injury Lawyer Mark R. Schmidt, Esq. settled the claims of a Public Utility worker from Pottstown for $200,000. The claimant suffered several work injuries, and returned to work after each one, until he was no longer able to tolerate the pain after having a total knee replacement surgery, following an earlier shoulder surgery. The employer denied each claim, requiring attorney Schmidt fight (and win) several different petitions on the injured worker’s behalf. During a third round of litigation, the insurance company began negotiations for a lump sum settlement, along with approving the claimant’s full pension, and a separate fund called a Medicare Set Aside to protect the claimant’s right to have future medical treatment covered.
Case 13. Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist Attorney Mark R. Schmidt settled the claim of a 56-year-old truck driver from Lancaster for $130,000. The claimant was injured when his truck was struck by a train. His claim was denied based on an allegation that he deviated from the assigned route and had therefore removed himself from the course of employment. The injuries suffered were severe, but there was a legal question to be decided by the Judge, which would determine whether claimant would be entitled to any wage loss benefits or payment of medical bills. Following a detailed conversation with the driver about his rights, options and possible outcome if the case were submitted for a decision, claimant directed attorney Schmidt to resolve his claim in order to avoid the risk. It is always the client’s case, and the decision to fight or settle their case will impact the injured worker’s life long after a settlement or decision. The lawyer’s job is to provide the client as much information about the case and potential outcomes to enable each client to make the best decision for their situation.
Disclaimer: Every Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury case is unique. The sample settlements do not guarantee that the same outcome will occur in your case.
Call 610-892-9300 or send us a message today to get in touch with an attorney who can help you. No matter how small your claim may be, we will do our best to fight for you.
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