Maximize Compensation After A Medical Malpractice Injury
Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals rely on their training and experience, and we expect them to make proper diagnoses, render appropriate treatment and provide adequate follow-up care to procedures. Sometimes a medical outcome is not what we were expecting, however, and incidents of negligence may warrant a medical malpractice lawsuit. The Pennsylvania medical malpractice lawyers at Schmidt, Kirifides, Rassias, & Rio handle injury cases that develop from incorrect diagnoses, mistakes during routine procedures, or careless errors in complex surgeries.
At our firm, medical malpractice lawyers successfully advocate for victims of medical negligence that can involve birth injuries, including cerebral palsy, misdiagnosed or late-diagnosed cancer, medication errors, post-operative infections, gastric bypass surgery, anesthesia, ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), emergency room delays and mistakes, radiation overdoses, fertility injuries, surgical staple complications and wrong-site surgeries.
Determining Negligence In Health Care Settings
While there are always risks of negative outcomes or side effects from medical procedures and treatments, an unsuccessful result could also be due to medical malpractice. When a physician or other health care provider commits malpractice, he or she has failed to meet the standard of care to which health care providers with similar training and experience are held. When a patient is injured or killed as a result of such a failure, the patient and/or his or her loved ones may be entitled to compensation for their losses.
Medical negligence occurs when an individual in the medical profession does not fulfill his or her duties to take care of a patient in a standard manner. Catastrophic injuries or fatalities can occur because of common emergency room mistakes, prescription drug errors, incorrect treatment, or a misdiagnosed heart attack, blood clot, or breast cancer. Other cases where patients have suffered needlessly arise out of nursing home neglect, elder abuse, and treatment administered without informed consent.
The Importance Of Experienced Legal Counsel
While it may seem like it would be simple to show that a medical error caused an injury, medical malpractice is actually an extremely complex area of the law. Attorneys who handle medical malpractice matters must have a great deal of knowledge about the medical field and must know how to successfully argue their clients’ cases. The Pennsylvania medical malpractice attorneys of Schmidt, Kirifides, Rassias, & Rio, are prepared to evaluate your medical malpractice claim and help you determine how best to proceed. We have the experience to take your case to trial, including securing the appropriate experts to help you achieve the best possible results.
Our caring, compassionate attorneys are here to help you get your life back on track. We strive to provide courteous and ethical representation that will exceed your expectations. Your medical negligence lawyer will take the time to answer your questions, discuss your concerns and personally return your phone calls. If you believe that you have been injured due to a health care provider’s negligence, you have a limited amount of time in which to file your claim. Please contact us immediately. We are here to assess your injury, calculate the damages you could seek including financial losses, and help restore your physical, emotional and financial well-being.
Have You Been Injured Due To A Medical Error Or Flaws In The Health Care System?
Contact the medical malpractice lawyers at Schmidt, Kirifides, Rassias, & Rio, headquartered in Media, Pennsylvania, via 610-892-9300, and we will advise you of your medical rights and legal options.
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