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3 ways a pre-existing condition affects a workers’ comp claim

When you suffer an injury at work, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits to cover your medical expenses and lost wages. However, if you have a pre-existing condition, it can complicate your claim.

There are several ways that a pre-existing condition can affect the outcome of a workers’ compensation claim.

1. Aggravation of a pre-existing condition

If your work-related injury aggravates a pre-existing condition, you might still qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. For example, even if you have a history of back problems and you hurt your back at work, you might receive benefits for the aggravation of your pre-existing condition. You will need to prove that your injury significantly worsened your condition.

2. Proof of causation

When you have a pre-existing condition, it can be more challenging to prove that your work-related injury caused your current symptoms. The insurance company may argue that your symptoms are entirely related to your pre-existing condition and not your work-related injury. To strengthen your claim, you will need to provide medical evidence that clearly shows the connection between your work-related injury and your current symptoms.

3. Full-disclosure needs

When filing a workers’ comp claim with a pre-existing condition, you need to fully disclose your medical history to your employer and the insurance company. Failing to disclose a pre-existing condition can jeopardize your claim and may even result in a denial of benefits.

Having a pre-existing condition means being proactive about your workers’ compensation claim. We are here to help you navigate your case. Contact your workers’ compensation specialist today for a free, no-obligation consultation. You can reach us online or at 610-892-9300 today!