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What are repetitive strain injuries?

Workers have likely heard of workplace injuries before, but many think of catastrophic injuries when they hear this term.

However, simple workplace injuries also exist, such as back strain or repetitive stress injuries. These also allow for a worker to potentially receive benefits.

Defining an RSI

Cleveland Clinic takes a look at repetitive strain injuries. These injuries occur in any situation where a person moves one or more parts of their body in a repetitive way over a period of time.

Typically, it can take weeks or months for an RSI to begin forming. However, some people may experience an RSI within days, and others might not see any effects until years later.

Who can suffer from an RSI?

Anyone who makes repetitive movements can suffer from an RSI. For example, many professional athletes will suffer from an RSI in their active time within their sport.

Jobs that force a worker to do repetitive tasks are also extremely common. In fact, almost every job involves some form of repetition.

To illustrate, a few of the professions and jobs that result in RSIs can include surgeons and doctors, hair stylists, chefs, cashiers, teachers, artists, musicians, assembly line workers, massage therapists and more.

The problem with healing

The biggest issue with an RSI is the fact that healing requires a person to not do the action that caused the RSI for a long period of time. Naturally, when most people receive these injuries by doing their job, this poses a problem for a worker’s ability to work.

This is why many workers with an RSI will seek worker’s compensation, as it allows for the injury to heal without the worker fearing for their livelihood.