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April 2024 Articles

How can hearing loss happen in the workplace?

Hearing loss is a common workplace concern. In fact, it affects many individuals across various industries. Understanding how hearing loss occurs in work environments is important for promoting safety. Continual exposure to loud noise One of the causes of hearing loss in the workplace is exposure to loud noise. Industries...

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Can you get pain and suffering in PA workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania operates under a no-fault system. This means injured workers can get benefits regardless of fault. These benefits typically cover medical expenses, lost wages and vocational rehabilitation if necessary. However, when it comes to pain and suffering, the landscape is different. Pennsylvania does not allow awards specifically...

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Common injuries that affect warehouse workers

Warehouse work can be physically demanding. It poses various risks to the health and safety of employees. Understanding these common injuries is important for accident prevention and navigating workers’ compensation. Slip and fall injuries Slip and fall accidents are among the most prevalent in warehouses. Spills, wet floors, loose cables...

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