June 2022 Articles
Workers’ compensation benefits and doctors: Who chooses?
Most industries come with some level of risk, from construction, where heavy machinery, busy worksites and intensive labor pose dangers, to office work, where repetitive strain injuries are a less obvious peril. Workers’ compensation is a safeguard meant to protect both employers and employees in cases where injuries or illnesses...
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If you get hurt at work, you may not be able to return to your job for several days or even several weeks. To make up for any lost wages and to cover the cost of the medical care you need, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. According...
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Compensación laboral Español Firm News Personal Injury Uncategorized Workers Compensation Workers' CompensationRecent Posts
How ‘maximum medical improvement’ impacts your workers’ comp benefits Receiving financial benefits along with workers’ compensation Compensación laboral: ¿puedo demandar a mi empleador? Best practices for workers’ comp claims for knee injuries Navigating workers’ comp for Pennsylvania’s remote workersRSS Feed
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