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Can your employer deny your workers’ compensation claim?

Workers’ compensation is a helpful tool when you suffer a work-related injury that leaves you unable to do your job. However, there might be reasons that your employer denies your claim.

Knowing what factors could influence how your employer views your claim can help you prevent mistakes that could jeopardize your eligibility to receive benefits.

You wait too long to report an injury

As soon as you receive medical treatment for an injury, you should report what happened to your employer. Waiting too long can increase the chances that you forget critical details about what happened. Even more, the state imposes a statute of limitations that if exceeded, prevents you from claiming benefits at all.

You fail to comply with the requirements

Workers’ compensation benefits cover several factors that can ease the financial burden of your injury. According to, your benefits could address the following:

Your employer should provide you with instructions about how to report an incident and what to expect once they file a claim. If you do not follow their instructions or miss deadlines, you may relinquish your eligibility to collect benefits and your employer might deny your claim.

Your accident does not fit the criteria

Your employer will probably conduct an internal investigation into your accident. If they find that your actions were not compliant with their code of conduct or that your accident was not entirely work-related, they may deny your claim.

You have the right to appeal a denied workers’ compensation claim. If possible, add evidence to the report you make to improve the context. You deserve adequate compensation if you have sustained a workplace injury.